

How To Satisfy Customer In Sales Call


Exploring with various type of questions allows to gain valuable information about your customer’s needs, which you, the salesperson, can then try and satisfy with your product benefits. (These should not be confused with product features.)


There are three general steps involved in satisfying:

1. Understand and respect the customer’s need.

2. Provide appropriate features and benefits which satisfy that need.

3. Gain agreement.

Understand the customer’s need

Buying motives

Every time you buy something it’s satisfies a need or a want. Needs and wants can be emotional and rational.

Emotional reasons for buying

Fear               -      of not using best product

Sentiment      -      supporting the local company

Pride               -    being associated with successful products.

Rational reasons for buying

Profit               -          increased usages

Health             -          fewer side-effects

Security          -           well-established product.

Customer buy for many different reasons. Research has shown that 84% of any buying decisions are based on emotional!

When to satisfy customer needs?

The right moment to satisfy a customer’s need is when;

  • The customer has identified a clear need
  • The salesperson and customer both understand the need
  • The salesperson knows that his product and company service can meet that need

‘Satisfying’ too early may make it look like you are not practicing active listening or showing concern for a clear understanding of the need. Try to make sure that you satisfy each need as it arises and treat each one as a separate issue. Way, you and the customer will build a clear picture of all the needs and your ability to satisfy them.

Make sure you and the customer are on the same wavelength; that you have the same and goal in mind. Continue exploring until you are sure that you and the customer share a common understanding of the need.

Once you can show that you clearly understand the customer’s need and concern, he will allow you to proceed and offer appropriate benefits that way allow you to gain a sale. To indicate that you understand, use phrases such as:

  • “I understand your situation…”
  • “I can see why it so important to you…”

Understanding needs exercise

A customer has told you that he uses large volumes of antibiotics, but he needs smaller packs as he is space.

1. Do you, the salesperson, understand the customer’s needs?


2. Is there more than one need?


3. Can your product fill the need?


Please write your answer in our comment box and feedback form for general practice

Give Product features and benefits

When selling, the product is of secondary important. Of primary importance is the idea behind the product, the purpose that the product fulfils. We don’t, for example, buy a calculator: we buy speed, accuracy and efficiency.

In response to a need it is important to ensure that we state relevant benefits that will meet the customer’s specific need, for example:

Need              =           smaller packs

Feature           =           blister packed

Benefit           =           saves money and is easy-to-dispense.

Selling the benefits

Benefits should always be positive. If you tell someone not to think of a pink elephant, they immediately think of pink elephant. Augmentin injection will not give result in 3-4% of infection cases. Then he may think that some cases will not be cured, and his reputation may get spoiled. Painting the picture of satisfied buyers is far more positive. People want to hear what something will do for them, not what it won’t. benefits should paint a picture. To do this you should tell the customer what will happen as a result of them choosing your product.

It is often useful to use “which means that…” to link your feature to its benefit.

Other useful phrases include:

  • “so you will get…”
  • “This means that you/your patients will…”
  • “what this means for you is…”

Converting features ⇒advantages ⇒ benefits

When we understand what a customer want and needs and why it is important, we can appeal to his emotions by converting the features of our product into benefits, which fill the need we have identified.

(what it is)
(what it does)
Specific benefit
(what it does for you)
e.g. an antibiotics
  a vaccine
  a headache tablet
Kills pathogens
Prevents disease
Helps relieve your pain
Takes away symptoms
Peace of mind
You feel well

Feature, advantage, benefit exercise

List example of how you would use and benefits in your everyday selling situation, ensure that you turn features into advantages and then, most importantly, into benefits. ( you may use any your company’s product in this exercise and send into comment box and feedback form 

1.      Feature_________________?
2.    Advantages_______________? 
3.    Benefit__________________? 

Identify the following comments as either feature, advantage or benefit:

Works faster… [ ]

Causes fewer side-effects… [ ]

Has a plastic cap… [ ]

Small packs… [ ]

Easy-to-use… [ ]

Satisfying exercise

Practice satisfying a customer need using all the steps. Think of a customer you will visit soon. Identify a need this customer may have.

1. Respect and understand the need.



2. Provide your product features and benefit that will satisfy this need. (remember the “ which means that…” rule.)



To ensure that the salesperson helps his customer to understand how his product can meet the individual needs.

When to satisfy

Satisfying can only take place once a customer has expressed a clear need. The salesperson understand the need and is convinced that his product can satisfy the need.

How to satisfy

Understand and respect the need.
Provide appropriate features and benefits which satisfy the need.
Check for agreement.

In this post we have learn about how to Satisfy a Customer In Sales Call this lesson is very useful for us if we are a professional salesperson. 
    we have done this part it means we have go to right direction with customer 

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