Opening The Call Of Doctor Medical Sales Representative

Opening The Call Of Doctor Medical Sales Representative

Opening The Call Of Doctor Medical Sales Representative

Communicating in the customer’s preferred style
The purpose of meeting your customer, initially is to begin building a business relationship. Professional salesperson know that a solid business relationship goes beyond the immediate product (or service) being offered. The relationship and subsequent sales require the establishment of trust and the building of credibility. When the customer knows that the salesperson has the customer’s best interest at heart, the rest of the sales process can continue.



Building rapport

Take time to build rapport by discussing areas of mutual interest. Use appropriate eye contact and mirror the verbal style adopted by the customer.
Be enthusiastic and positive. Selling by its very nature will bring you into contact with all type of people. They will all have one thing in common- problems! Unwittingly we can actually depress the customer with remarks like “The traffic was terrible this morning” or Wasn’t it awful about…”
Remember enthusiasm is infectious, but how far do you? Enthusiasm is the cause and not the result of success. It together with a positive attitude, will set you up for success. You are your own best resource.


When to open the call

The quickest way to destroy rapport is to sell ‘ out of bounds’ e.g. in the car park when the customer is in a rush. Look for selling opportunities, but be sensible. Long-term business is far more important than short-term gains. So recognize the appropriate time to open the call.

How to open the call

State the purpose of the call

A brief and to the point statement of what you would like to discuss during the call is required.


For example:
   “Doctor, to-day I would like to discuss with you an
                             excellent product for the treatment of fungus”

Customer benefit approach (what’s in it for me?)
The customer will only buy a product if it benefit him or her. Similarly, in order to gain the customer’s initial interest in the call and in what you have to say, it is worthwhile demonstrating that you have thought about them.

For example:

                        “I will take few minutes to show you how the product is
                          highly effective and insure high cure rate in your
                          treatment of fungus”

Gain agreement to proceed

It is important that you and the customer start the call with the same understanding of what you would like to accomplish. Checking for agreement will ensure that the customer is happy with your call objective.


Opening exercise

Give an example of an opening statement you would use in your everyday call situation. You can write in our comment box and if you like so you can send me email this exercise but please honestly learn about this and do this and for examination send us.



Agree on what will be discussed during the call.

When to open

You and the customer have established mutual areas of 
interest and agreement.

How To open

State the purpose of the call…………………………………….?
Customer benefit (what’s in it for me?)……………………?
Gain agreement to proceed……………………………………..?

In this post we have learn about how to make Opening the of doctor call this lesson is very useful for us if we are a professional salesperson. Because all marketing strategy are need first opening the call if we want business from other person so we need his Opening the call

if we have done this part it means we have go to right direction with customer 

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