

Managing Customer Challenges


A challenges posed by a customer during a sale indicates interest and should be looked upon as an opportunity. Handle the challenge and you will achieve the sale

Challenges can all be identified outside the situation and they should not surprise you in-call. The trick is handling the right challenges at the right time, or at least helping the customer to overcome the challenge.

Why Customers pose Challenges

To be successful in handling objections, and ultimately gain more sales, we must understand three points:
  • Why customers have challenges
  • How to have the right attitude
  • What techniques to employ 

The reason why customer raise challenges are may and varied and they can occur at any point during the sale. If a customer does not ask questions during a call, then chances are he may not have an intention to buy.

Reasons For Challenges

  • Lack of information
  • Previous bad experience.
  • A ‘smoke’ for serious objections
  • To avoid making decision.
  • Unsure about the decision to purchase.
  • Dislike for the company salesperson.
  • Salesperson has not handled queries properly.

There are many more than those listed about, but their importance lies in the way in which you deal with them. There is little doubt that we can’t win them all. Occasionally you will lose the battle. In the end, the war will be won, and you will succeed in handling most challenges.

Kinds Of Challenges

In the next three section we will review each of the categories of challenges by our customer , i.e..*
  • Doubt—when the customer does not believe that your product will work in the way you say It will
  • Misconception— when the customer believes something about your product which is not true (false objection)
  • Limitation—when the customer has no apparent need for your product (real objection) 
  • Indifference – when the customer has no apparent need for your product. 

We will discuss how to recognize these challenges and the correct ways to handle them later.

In this section we will focus on the general techniques for handling challenges.

How To Manage Challenges


Firstly, you need to have the right attitude. With regard to the right attitude, it is important to highlight the manner in which you operate whilst managing these challenges.

Always listen carefully and with interest. Remember it is an important decision the customer is making. Look interested. If you look bored or uninterested, the chance of managing the challenges is reduced.

Avoid interrupting and saying “yes, but…”. This conveys antagonism and shows that you are on the defensive, “However…” , does much the same.

If you find yourself saying “yes, but…”, a voice in your head say, “NO sale” Try using “And if…” instead.

Use a constant tone of voice. Lowering the voice shows defeat. Raising the voice shows anger and will convey antagonism.

Be careful of body language. Remain in an open posture. Learning forward shows aggression and leaning back shows arrogance or defeat.

Be calm in victory or defeat. A sale can be lost if you become smug in victory. A potential future sale can be lost if you sulk in defeat.

Gain agreement from the customer as each point in the challenge is dealt with. Always ask if the customer’s challenge has been handled satisfactorily and whether he/she will now buy your product.

General Techniques For Managing

Customer Challenges

Whatever type of customer challenge you are facing, there are two key considerations. First the customer has a concern and wants to tell us about it. Second, the customer feels that the concern is important, and we should acknowledge this.


How often do we start hearing a challenge, then interrupt with the “answer”! we assume we know what the customer is talking about, cut him short , then start producing evidence that we think what he is saying is wrong!


Encourage the customer to tell you exactly what concerns him or her and why. Having a clear understanding of the challenge will assist you greatly when it comes to providing you answer in order to manage the challenge.

You might ask: “Tell me more about that,”

“I’d like to understand why that is so important for you at this stage,”

Continue to explore until you are sure that you understand both the what and why of the challenge. The customer will respect the fact that you are interested, and you will differentiate yourself from all the other medical sales representatives who say “Yes, but…”

Acknowledge the customer’s point of view
Let the customer know that you understand their concern and consider it to be important. Acknowledging does not mean that you agree with the concern; merely that you have heard and understood it.

You might say:      “I understand why you want to prescribe cost-effective treatment for your patients.”

“Of course it is important that patients are happy to take the products you prescribe.”

Handling customer challenges exercise

Imagine that you are selling LoACE. Classify the following customer statements as either. Doubt, misconception, limitation or indifference

“We already stock a wide range of ACE inhibitors and we don’t need another one”


“I find it hard to believe that a single product could control a wide range of hypertensive symptoms.”


“Everyone claim a low incident of side-effects for their products, but all ACE inhibitors produce the chronic side effect.”


“Your product is 30% more expensive than what I’m prescribing currently .

My patients would not pay for it.”


“I don’t have any experience of using LoACE and I don’t like trying new products until they have been fully proven.”


“My patients are already well-managed on my current ACE inhibitors.”


“Your product doesn’t give me the flexibility of dosage to enable me to meet different patients’ needs”


In this post we have learn about how to Managing Customer Challenges In Sales Call. This lesson is very useful for us if we are a professional salesperson. 
    if we have done this part it means we have go to right direction with customer 

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